My new life

My new life

In her autobiography, Renata Borlone remembers the encounter that changed her life…

Post-Covid 19 Emergency

Post-Covid 19 Emergency

The Focolare Movement, throughout the world, has launched the proposal for an extraordinary communion of goods to respond to the economic needs that arose following the spread of Covid-19.



Contribute to the maintenance of the Maria Theotokos Shrine: a spiritual center at the service of all humanity in its variety of peoples, cultures and challenges.



In April 22, a multimedia marathon to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of UNO’s World Earth Day, organized by Earth Day and the Focolare Movement.

Spartaco Lucarini

Spartaco Lucarini

A journalist, a friendly and polite man of culture and wit, a pioneer of the Focolare, an attentive and caring husband and father, and tireless builder of relationships of unity.