Have a good trip, ‘’Gen Rosso’’ and ‘’Gen Verde’’!

19 Apr 2013 | Life

In partenza per la Terra Santa, dove costruiranno la Settimana Mondo Unito, ci scrivono…

In a few days we will reach the Holy LandIt is a dream that is becoming a reality!
In the meantimepreparations are underway  the engines are running
full immersion with the rehearsals for the BE THE BRIDGE Concert.

Songs such asBe the Change“, “For One Another”“The Music Fly“, “Stay with us”“Being Family“, “Hopes of Peace“, “Bend Do not Break“, among other hits and new ones…

It will be almost natural to sing in different languages: Arabic, Spanish, English, Hebrew, and so on

Our next appointment?!

Live from our first stop: Bethlehem!”

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