Publishing House

Loppiano hosts one of the Italian publishing houses,Città Nuova.It was born from the same cultural roots of the little city, right on the same Dolomites that generated the dream of Loppiano.

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Culture and information, the search for truth, an attentive look at the person, his or her dignity and time.

The panorama of books, magazines, platforms, services and technologies that the Città Nuova Group presents is a tool at the service of the person and society. It deals with a culture linked to the values of dialogue – between people, cultures and religions – and inclusion, oriented towards the promotion of a renewed humanism.

Big, Free to Play

Monthly magazine for “smart kids” up to 10 years old. Nine issues, 24 pages, entirely in color with: games, comics, stories, experiments, bricolage, questions and answers, and true stories.

In Pursuit of the Truth, Biography of Pasquale Foresi, Part 1: 1929-1954

by Michele Zanzucchi
Pasquale Foresi (1929-2015) is a little-known today, but in the 50s and 60s he was one of the most dynamic characters of the Catholic world in Italy. As a teenager, he participated in the final phases of the War and returned home to his family.   When he was only sixteen, he entered the seminary, but left four years later because he was convinced that the Catholic Church was no longer able to make the Gospel relevant. During that time in 1949, he met Chiara Lubich and the Focolare Movement. He immediately became an active member, and Chiara Lubich involved him and Igino Giordani in its management. He is now considered one of its co-founders, because of his work in implementing the charism of unity and his work in obtaining Church approval for one of the most innovative and contrasting ecclesial phenomena of the time, and for his ability to express in theological terms Lubich’s mystical intuitions. Foresi was a scholar, writer, journalist, organizer and leader. In 1967, he became seriously ill and was forced to withdraw from public life, until his death. This first section of his biography covers the period between his birth and ordination to the priesthood.

A Heart in Action, 1. The Spiritual Works of Mercy

Strengthening forgiveness, patience, advice or comfort, constructive criticism in adolescents means helping them to grow personally and as a community, to become responsible for those who live next to them and take care of the happiness of others as well as their own. A heart in action offers catechists, animators, teachers a wide range of educational proposals to deepen the spiritual works of mercy in children between 10 and 14 years of age, starting from their experience and leading them to discover the merciful Love of God in their lives.

Teens: Together

Bimonthly magazine by teenagers for teenagers. News, science, school, intercultural understanding, sport, films, Italian and international testimonies on unity, dialogue and encounter among children, generations and cultures. Reporting the “good news” that comes from children from around the world.

A Light That Covers the World, Reflections on Chiara Lubich's Spirituality of Unity

By Maria Voce

On this twelfth and final year as president of the Focolare Movement, Maria Voce presents in this book the reflections she has shared since her election in 2008. They are addressed to the members of the Movement, but also to anyone who wishes to gain a deeper understanding of some of the basic points of Chiara Lubich’s spirituality of unity. These are not theological studies or a new vision of Lubich’s Spirituality, but an opportunity to draw nearer and discover the wonders that can still offer meaning to our lives today.

Towards the Human Person, A Response to the Poverty of Contemporary Education

by Jesús Morán, Ezio Aceti

Education has always been called upon to create new paradigms that are capable of facing the great changes that take place in society, in politics, economics, relationships or values. School, Church and society in general are once again being called upon to give up old relational and educational systems that are based on force and authority, and make way for new relational skills that place the human person at the center no longer seen as one individual next to many other individuals, but seen as a global citizen, a person whose point of reference is not so much his or her own achievements or desires, but those of the community. Being that people are social beings, they fulfill themselves in relationship with other people from within the great human family.

Sophia: SOPHIA N. 1 – 2020

Biannual journal, directed by Piero Coda, that follows the research style of Sophia University Institute of Loppiano,. It offers a unitary and at the same time articulated knowledge of reality. The journal is meant to be a place of encounter, a laboratory for intellectual research, and a space for dialogue and the presentation of new ideas.

Books and Magazines

Reviews, news, interviews with authors, cultural initiatives.