NOW loading” because the time is now!

25 Apr 2020 | Primo maggio, Life

NOW loading” is the special online event of the 1st of May in Loppiano 2020. Nothing can stop fraternity, even at the time of Covid-19. Stay tuned to live streaming at 3:00 p.m. on May 1st.

“Now!”, the 2020 event of May 1st in Loppiano has been postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic of Covid-19  The May 1st event is the traditional meeting organized for over 40 years by the Focolare youth in the international city near Florence. However, the young people of the Focolare of the Peninsula have not given up and have brought their manifestation online: “The Covid-19 pandemic, as Pope Francis has pointed out several times, is teaching us to see and spread our common solidarity, beyond the selfishness of indifference. Only together, because we are all in the same boat, “we are able to win over global challenges” and take care of the least. So, we thought we should start with “Now! Loading” a journey of commitment to the common good, of which “Now”, on May 1, 2021, will be its expression and culmination”.

While an invisible enemy is being fought against everywhere in the world, at the same time experiences of solidarity, of hope, of closeness between people from different countries, with concrete commitments are multiplying. So, this special online event of the 1st of May in Loppiano will be a world tour so as not to forget anything and anybody, especially those people who have always lived in an “emergency” because they have been wounded by the many poverties, by other epidemics,by humanitarian and climatic emergencies.

“Now! Loading will be a marathon of testimonies from Italy and the world, with thematic insights and music, experiences in the field of human rights, peace, and ecology. It is a laboratory of fraternity that we can then take to every area of our lives, to question and reflect on what is happening around us, to act without stopping at our “little vegetable garden”, but expanding our horizon to global questions,” explain the organizers.

To participate in “Now! Loading“, just tune in at 3.00 p.m. on May 1, 2020 at

The event is part of the United World Week 2020, a week of global initiatives and events dedicated to promoting the culture of fraternity. Launched by the youth of the Focolare Movement in May 1995, it is promoted by the Focolare Movement in collaboration with movements, associations, communities that work for peace and fraternity among peoples in the five Continents. The 2020 event, entitled “In time for Peace”, will take place online from May 1-7. You can participate in the main events from the website

To stay updated, just follow the official pages of Primo Maggio Loppiano:

Here are the next appointments that will accompany us around May 1, live on the social channels of May 1 Loppiano:

Sunday, April 26th – 3:00 p.m.

The Wars that we do not see with Maria Chiara Cefaloni and Alessio Lanfaloni, on Disarmed Economy.

Tuesday, April 28th – 3:00 p.m.

The noise of loneliness with Angela Mammana, Psychologist and Humanist Coach.    
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