To build unity and dialogue, innovative formation at Sophia

12 Nov 2021 | Life

A proposal for formation offered by the Sophia University Institute begins November 28th. Two courses: Culture of Unity and Dialogical Leadership. They are open to all and can be followed from home.

Walls or bridges? Conflict or dialogue? It seems current history has no doubt. The logic of radicalized, violent opposition makes much noise, while those who speak of unity and who work for universal fraternity appear out of touch, insignificant, irrelevant.

Yet Sophia University Institute bets on such strategic topics, even more current in the context of the pandemic, and has launched Sophia Web Academy. This initiative offers two formation courses: “Culture of Unity” and “Dialogical Leadership,” two innovations that constitute “the principal new aspect of the academic year just begun”, underlined Giuseppe Argiolas, rector of Sophia.

It is a courageous wager. And yet, it is also true that this direction is part of the goals of this academic institution founded by Chiara Lubich and animated by the charism of unity. What is courageous in the proposal is the conviction of finding young people and adults interested in going into depth in the subjects of unity and dialogue, in learning to read the signs of the times, and in forming an overall vision. Undoubtedly it is a precious opportunity for anyone who does not intend to be carried away by the prevailing current. The fact that the offer is online facilitates participation without leaving home.


The course “Culture of Unity” will enable one to “acquire the ability to see far,” explains Prof. Michele Zanzucchi, coordinator of Sophia Web Academy, “and also to think strategically about the processes to be implemented today to prepare a more human tomorrow.” And he specifies that “an essential part of the path is dedicated to the experience and thought of Chiara Lubich in the context of the Focolare Movement, a very valid contribution to the integral formation of leaders.”

“Dialogical Leadership” instead offers a space, continues Zanzucchi, “for the knowledge and learning of a style of leadership marked by dialogue and service, attention to the least, communion, active involvement and flexibility so as to lead to the making of strategic choices and decisions, to the management of groups, to effective communication.”

The courses start November 28th and will end July 3rd, 2022. It will be an eight-month formation period comprised of 180 lectures and 60 hours of in-depth study with a tutor/opportunities to dialogue with the teachers. You may enroll as a student or as an auditor. The courses this year are available in Italian. Students will be entitled to a tutor. Students must have a degree, even limited, participate in the courses, take the exams and they will receive a university certification.

Auditors, on the other hand, may enroll without special qualifications and receive a certificate of participation of university extension. Auditors may also enroll in individual modules of the course. The lessons will be held in the evening and will remain available to the subscribers to view them later. It is advisable to register now as only two weeks remain. The program of the courses, the composition of the teaching staff, the objectives and benefits, as well as the costs can be found on the website

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