Three Stages for the Diocesan Journey

26 Oct 2023 | Life, News, Spirituality

Representatives of organizations, associations, communities and movements from the Diocese of Fiesole gathered on Sunday, October 22, to foster mutual understanding, communion, and testimony.“In the face of the world’s tragedies, we have to act in a unified manner so that the Lord can reach everyone,”Bishop Manetti pointed out.

Two representatives from each ecclesiastical reality light their own candle from the flame of the Easter Candle and then place it on the altar. Many tongues of fire from the one light of the Resurrection. The reading of the list of each of the 56 diocesan ecclesiastical components (organizations, associations, movements, communities) marked the most impressive moment of the gathering.

The Shrine of Maria Theotokos in Loppiano was crowded (with over a thousand people), and the atmosphere was profound. On the Sunday afternoon of October 22, various representatives of the people of God from the entire territory of the Diocese of Fiesole gathered for a special convocation as desired by Bishop Stefano Manetti.. There were three reasons for this: To support the ongoing Synod of the Church in Rome, to prepare for the Jubilee in 2025 and to set the course for the celebration of the 1,000 years of the Fiesole Cathedral in 2028.

“We come to you with joy,” was the title of the opening hymn. Indeed, it effectively expressed the festive atmosphere that was felt from the beginning of the gathering. The liturgy of the Word was based on a very significant passage from the first letter of St. Paul to the Thessalonians: Brothers and sisters, loved by God, we know that He has chosen you.. Furthermore: We always give thanks to God for all of you (…) continually remembering the work of your faith, the toil of your love, and the steadfastness of your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” This sentence, emphasized by Bishop Manetti expressed his feelings toward those present.

Convocation is the name of the Church,” began the bishop, “and it signifies the gathering of those whom the Lord has called to be witnesses of His love in the world. This occasion is precious for us to introduce ourselves to one another, like a family, to discover who we are. You are all different and all necessary, stirred by the Holy Spirit to enhance the Church. Many members forming the one Body of Christ. Diversity doesn’t fragment, but rather strengthens. Unity is the beauty of each unique individual connected to others through love.” According to Bishop Manetti, “this convocation bestows upon us an enriched awareness, allowing us to put the gifts we have received in the service of others. I urge you to cherish this. Now, in the face of the world’s challenges, move forward in unity to demonstrate that you are the Church. Through you, the Lord wishes to reach everyone, everyone.”

The exposition of the Blessed Sacrament was the culmination of the gathering. The lit candles on the altar served as a crown for the monstrance, and the song “Come, Spirit! Come down upon us!” expressed the hope of all and introduced the adoration. The gathering had started with a greeting to Mary, and at the end, an act of entrustment was directed towards her, with everyone facing the image of Mary Theotokos. Starting from November 9, every second Thursday of the month, a prayer meeting will be held, each time in a different location, organized by a diocesan ecclesial entity. In advance, Bishop Manetti announced that the diocesan pilgrimage to Rome for the Jubilee will take place on Saturday, September 20, 2025.

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