Città Nuova: the December 2020 edition

5 Dec 2020 | Editoria, Life

The Biden presidency at the helm of the internally divided United States Superpower, following Trump. The expectations of the G20 for the Italian presidency, analysis of the immigration situation in Italy that emerges from Statistical Dossier on Immigration from the IDOS Study and Research Center, the open questions about environmental choices contained in the recovery plan financed by the Next Generation EU. Reflections of Luigino Bruni on the myth of communitarian leadership 30 years after the Italian Antiracket Federation. A known reportage on some hidden corners of Genoa and a long interview with the athlete, Fiona May.These are some of the topics that are presented in the Christmas 2020 edition, whose cover is dedicated to the wonder of children with an invitation to care for the least among us.


December’s edition of Città Nuova opens with  “The Point” by the magazine’s director, Aurora Nicosia, which expresses a desire that has grown in this time of restrictions and necessary confinement, to fully embrace our humanity in all of its fragility and greatness. This is the common thread that runs through all the articles starting from the article dedicated to the new scenario by Joe Biden’s new U.S. presidency, which will open, as promised, under the banner, of the necessary reconciliation in a divided country. Among the contributions offered by our US correspondent, is an interview with William A. Calvo-Quirós, sociologist and associate professor of American Culture and Ethnic Studies at the University of Michigan

One article discusses the care and protection of minors and the phenomenon of pedophilia, along with the contribution from Ezio Aceti who cites the great Lebanese poet Khalil Bigran.

In the cultural pages there is an in-depth study on the very accredited thesis that explains human evolution based on the inherent nature of cooperation: “We are human because we are able to help each other, because we consider others as ‘worthy’ as ourselves and we consider the decisions taken together as valid”. The same section contains a presentation of Giulio d’Onofrio’s book Per questa selva oscura, published by Città Nuova with a novel interpretation of Dante’s immortal text and, in the movie section, a film guide at the time of the pandemic.

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