The latest CH Link-Up

16 Dec 2020 | Life

It aired on December 13, St. Lucy’s Day and tells of many small experiences lived in everyday life but also of important world events that give great hope for the future.


It was streamed live on December 13, the feast day of St. Lucy, a holiday of Christian origin but celebrated in many of our countries. It is the day symbolizing the light that overcomes the darkness. It seems to be a metaphor for the time in which we live. In fact, we have the impression that we are going through a night: the Covid with the pain, the suffering it brought; the death of people close to us who we may not even have been able to say goodbye to; or the economic difficulties that we experience in our families or communities; and some emergencies that have been added to or worsened by the pandemic.

Light that illuminates the night. This CH Link-Up tells about some of these lights: small experiences lived in everyday life but also important world events that give great hope for the future.

We begin with one of them: The Economy of Francis, an event wanted by Pope Francis and which has some citizens of Loppiano as protagonists!

Conference Call – December 13th, 2020: Light that illuminates the night from on Vimeo.

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