Happy, Merry Christmas!

21 Dec 2020 | Life

A Christmas thought from Chiara Lubich, Mass schedule for Christmas, and warmest holiday wishes!


Christmas will be special this year. We’ll stay home, far from our friends and loved ones. Our souls may have become a bit weary and sad during this winter of restrictions due to the pandemic. These words of Chiara Lubich from Christmas 1973, bring us back to the essential: that we are family. She invites us to take action, as Pope Francis suggested during the hour of the Angelus on December 20, 2020.

“In this difficult time, instead of complaining about what the pandemic prevents us from doing, let’s do something for those who have less: not getting the same old gifts for ourselves and our friends, but for a needy person whom no one remembers!”.

Testo Chiara Natale 1973

«The most amazing family began in a cave of Bethlehem. That’s where that family was born with the birth of that Child. That’s where love was unleashed in the hearts of Mary and Joseph for their third member: the Child-God. Family, this is a word that contains endless meaning. Its meaning is rich, deep, sublime and simple but, above all, real. The atmosphere of a family is understanding, peaceful, and relaxed, safe, one of unity and mutual love, a peaceful atmosphere, which is able to comprehend and understand every member of the family with all their human and divine characteristics. Our family begins from seeing Jesus in each other supernaturally – and it arrives at all the simplest and most concrete characteristics of a natural family. In other words, it is a family in which brothers and sisters have not a heart of stone, but one of flesh like Jesus, like Mary and like Joseph. Are there family members who suffer from spiritual trials? Understand them like a mother and more than a mother. Enlighten them with your words, but mostly with your example. Don’t let them be deprived of the warmth of the family, but increase that warmth around them. Are there family members who are suffering physically? Let them be the favorites. Share their suffering. Show them deep understanding in their suffering. Are there family members who are dying? Imagine yourself in their place and do for them what you would have done for you in your last moments. Are there family members who rejoice because of some achievement or for any other reason? Rejoice with them, so that their consolation will not be saddened and their soul will not close, but their joy will be everyone’s joy. Are there family members who are leaving? Never let them go without first filling their hearts with only one heredity, the sense of family, so that they can take it with them. And whenever you take the Ideal of Christ, you could do nothing better than to bring the spirit of family, with prudence and determination. The spirit of family is humble, it wants the good of others, it is never puffed up . . . it is true and total charity. In other words, if I had to leave this world today, I would let Jesus in me say to you: ‘Love one another so that all are one’.»

CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LITURGICAL SCHEDULE for the Christmas Masses in Loppiano. Best wishes for a happy Christmas!

Happy, Merry Christmas!





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