Recharge: the May Day in Loppiano 2022

19 Apr 2022 | In evidence, In evidence, Primo maggio, Primo maggio

It will be called “Recharge”, let us recharge, the 2022 edition of Loppiano May Day. It will take place, live, immersed in nature, with many workshops!


This year, May 1st in Loppiano will abandon the web and will take place live, after two editions on Youtube due to the pandemic. “With the 2022 edition of May Day in Loppiano, we would like to rediscover the beauty of relationships, of being and working together, shoulder to shoulder. For this reason, we have decided to carry out the program in open air, in simplicity, with many workshops, divided into small groups,” the young organizers announce.

It will be called “Recharge”, that is let’s recharge. Let us restore value and respect for the resources that nature offers! Let us restore strength to the voice of those who ask and work for peace!

“We believe that building fraternity and peace starts, first of all, with ourselves taking care of our relationships and of nature, up to implementing, where necessary, a decisive turn, a “conversion” of our lifestyles, to make them sustainable and fair,” explain the young promoters.

Thus, dialoguing with them, one discovers that Loppiano’s May Day adheres to the “United World Week”, the worldwide event that, from May 1 to 8, will see thousands and thousands of people at every latitude, of every age, class, race and creed, committed to give witness to their journey, through ups and downs, towards universal brotherhood. This year’s theme will be “#daretocare: people, the Planet and our ecological conversion”. “Dare to care”, the hashtag of the title means precisely: “we dare to take care”.





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