The “Poliedro” (Polyedron) School of Politics continues

30 Dec 2022 | Education, Life, News

The “Poliedro” (Polyhedron) School of Politics begins its work on Jan. 16, at the Lionello Bonfanti Industrial Park. It will be inaugurated with a talk by Enrico Giovannini, economist, former Minister of Labor, Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, who will explore the theme: “Democracy and the Future.”


On Monday, Dec. 12, 2022 the presentation of the political training school “Il Poliedro,” was held at the Sarri Hall of the Palazzo Pretorio in Figline. It is a school for learning how to exercise citizenship and political engagement as competent protagonists, involving the Sophia University Institute, the Lionello Bonfanti Industrial Park and the Political Movement for Unity, as training institutions.

Also in attendance was Mayor Giulia Mugnai, who commented, “This project is an extraordinary opportunity for our area, because it is organized by influential individuals and because it invites those who want to be active participants in change to learn about the world of politics and social work through a qualified training approach.”

She added, “This is a real school, designed primarily for the younger generations who are approaching certain issues for the first time: a way to provide them, therefore, with a toolbox in which they can learn to interpret the contemporary world and the new needs that have to be answered. After all, energy crisis, pandemic and the conflict on Europe’s doorstep have caused profound upheavals and their consequences cannot be addressed using the same paradigm of thinking as in the past.”

The inaugural evening, which will be held on Monday, January 16, 2023, at 6 p.m., at the Lionello Bonfanti Industrial Park, will be opened by Enrico Giovannini, economist, former Minister of Labor, Infrastructure, and Sustainable Mobility. He will speak on “Democracy and the Future.”

“‘Poliedro,'” resumes Mayor Mugnai, “is an opportunity to face the future with education and awareness, which are the basis for political participation capable of understanding and affecting the world around us.”

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