CROSSING THE BRIDGE … all info and the Program

CROSSING THE BRIDGE … all info and the Program

In latest developments, there will be the first “Expo” of actions of fraternity of “Youth for a United World” present in many cities in Italy and live links with young people in Jerusalem (Israel), Mumbai (India) and Budapest (Hungary). Around 3,000 young people are expected to attend.

22 days to the ‘’Crossing the bridge’’ event

Be the Bridge – The title expresses the sense of our being together in the Holy Land’’, says Maria Grazia. ”Why Jerusalem? As members of Youth for a United World it is our greatest desire to witness universal brotherhood everywhere. So, it is impossible not to think of this city, marked by contrasts and divisions, yet at the same time the cradle of an ancient culture, a mingling of peoples and religions, and it is called to a project of peace since its origins.’